Martin Goodson
Transcending Mindfulness: 5 | The Awakend Ape
Martin and Jamie explore the concept of ‘Paleo-living’, an attempt at living a more natural way of life inspired by tribal and indigenous cultures
In this episode Psychotherapist and musician, Jamie Shavdia and Zen teacher Martin Goodson review Jevan Pradas's book: The Awakened Ape: A Biohacker's Guide To Evolutionary Fitness, Natural Ecstasy, and Stress-Free Living.
Jevan Pradas is a 'brain trainer and 'bio-hacker' who specialises in utilising the latest in neuroscience as well as traditional wisdom systems from around the world to help his readers discover wellbeing and happiness in this life.
His approach is firmly science based, somewhat eschewing alternative epistemologies which may appeal to some more than others.
Although this book covers nutrition and exercise with a strong emphasis on what is now termed 'paeleo-living' it also covers spiritual needs as a valid need for humanity and is clear that it is important not to ignore this essential area of life.
Jamie and Martin discuss and explore the different facts and figures outlined in this book as well as giving their personal judgements on what they feel 'works' or doesn't when it comes to its take on spiritual seeking.