Nov 20, 2022

Martin Goodson
Editor of The Zen Gateway website and practitioner of Zen Buddhism.
Rinzai’s Neither Outside nor Inside
Gateway Talks
Is the truth within us or outside of us?
Followers of the Way, when I say that there is no Dharma outside, the students do not understand and deduce it is necessary to search within themselves. Then they sit, leaning against a wall, tongue pressed to the upper palate, and remain so motionless. That they take for the patriarch’s gate of the Buddha-Dharma. What a great error!
(The Zen Teaching of Rinzai; tr. Irmgard Schloegl, pub. Shambhala 1975)
In this podcast:
• What is Dharma?
• Mumon’s treasures of the house v. Hogan’s ‘Is that stone inside or outside?
• Master Mumon’s looking for fire with fire…
• Wisdom arises out of the samadhi of the situation