News Round Up w/e 3rd October 2020
News and snippets from Zen cyber-space

The New Silk Route
How to Practice Homestyle Oryoki: Oryoki is the meditative way of eating practiced in Zen monasteries. Gesshin Claire Greenwood on how to bring the spirit of oryoki into our home kitchens
Buddhist History for Buddhist Practitioners: How—and why—to teach Buddhist history to sometimes reluctant Buddhists.
Buddhism and Asia’s Future – China’s New Silk Road and the Indo-Japanese Samvad. Since at least 2012, Buddhism has been a critical component in this narrative war of “shared values.” The present cross-border conflict (along historically Buddhist-influenced areas of the Himalayan region) has put into sharp focus a deterioration of Sino-Indian relations that were already shaky due to the Doklam Bhutanese border standoff of 2017.
India’s Sikkim to Have a Buddhist University. The university is to be modeled on the guidelines laid oput by the National Education Policy in India and is to help the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which include quality education, employment and economic growth, and sustainable cities and communities.
Collective Trauma Summit Highlights the Healing Power of Contemplative Practices. A common theme throughout the event has been the power of spirituality and various meditation and mindfulness-based practices for healing trauma, both for individuals and on a collective level.
Rohingya refugees raise money to support Buddhists displaced by Myanmar conflict. Despite their own hardships, Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh have donated funds to help Buddhists displaced by the ongoing conflict in Myanmar's Rakhine state, leaders of the Rohingya community said Friday.