Mar 6, 2021
Martin Goodson

News Round Up w/e 06 March 2021


News and snippets from Zen cyber-space

Artwork: Utagawa Kunisada / Toyokuni III, Legends of Women of All Ages: Portrait Of Chiyo-ni (1863), Oban, from Toshidama Gallery


The Haiku of Chiyo-ni - Tricycle: The Buddhist Review

What Is Possible When We Allow Ourselves to Feel Discouraged? - Mindful As much as we try to maintain a sense of positivity, we might find ourselves feeling defeated by the headlines in the news. Clinical Psychologist, Steve Hickman outlines three steps to turn that defeat into a driving force for action.

New Ethic for a Small Planet -- The Dalai Lama – Lion's Roar If the twenty-first century is to be one of peace and caring, says His Holiness the Dalai Lama in this heartfelt personal plea, we must develop a new ethic of human values that transcends religion.

Cultivating Awe Is Great for Your Mental Health ( Finding novelty and wonder in the little things in life is a great way to boost your well-being. Here are some ways to do it.

The Haiku of Chiyo-ni - Tricycle: The Buddhist Review A writer revisits the Japanese master whose “woman’s haiku” could not be ignored.

The Thousand-Buddha Motif: On the Timelessness of Ancient Art | Buddhistdoor The Thousand-Buddha motif is a recurrent theme in the Buddhist art of Central Asia and China.

The Old and the Beautiful - Lion's Roar In Japan, wabi sabi is an aesthetic principle that sees beauty in imperfection and age. Can Kem McIntosh Lee see the wabi sabi of her own aging body?




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